Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My baby boy..... sick!  :(  Hopefully he is on the mend.  Had a high temp yesterday and it was still holding on today so we took him to the doc to make sure nothing major was going on.  Looks like its just a stupid virus going around.  I think all parents tend to worry when their child is sick.  However, last time Dylan had a high temp he basically could not breathe and ended up in the hospital for 3 we REALLY worry.  If you have ever spent time with Dylan you know he is a super happy kid on the move, so its obvious and heartbreaking to me when he is sick.  He just sits or lays next to me with sad eyes.  He amazes me though because I truly don't have a fussy kid, he takes life in stride always happy and inquisitive and when he is sick, he just becomes this sweet little boy who can still manage a smile.  He teaches me so much about positive attitude and resilience....all 20 months of him.  I thank God everyday for that little boy!

Besides being sick, Dylan is doing great in life and thriving.  He's so darn smart, I know I sound like THAT mom who gushes about her kid, but hey if I don't who will?  He is saying new words and understands it seems like everything we say.  I'm thankful everyday he is an overall healthy, happy, thriving boy.  I get a little teary eyed writing this post because I cannot quite put into words the bond we have and how happy he makes me.  He says mommy about a hundred times a day and I joke to Jake that he never demands as much from his dada, but truly I love it.  As mothers we always wonder if we are enough, and in rare moments I realize that even though I never think I do enough or can be enough, Dylan thinks I'm more than enough.  I'm cherishing my time with him and squeezing in extra where I can....because soon my baby won't be the baby anymore.  We are officially under the 3 month mark until baby brother gets here, and I am SO excited to meet our new son and have two children.

Some days the time cannot go fast enough, but days like today...when my baby that is here is sick and reaching for me and snuggles in, I know that these few months belong to and my first born.  I love you  Dylan, truly more everyday!

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