But not the one you were expecting! Sorry folks I have not had baby #2 yet, but I'd sure like to! I thought since I didn't have THAT birth story to tell quite yet I would write Dylan's instead. It is a great memory for me and I can only hope and pray that things go the same with #2. Although all that really matters is that Leo is born healthy! But back to Dylan!
Jumping back in time almost 2 years (wow) and I was due October 22, 2009. I was always told first timers tend to go late so I didn't feel a sense of urgency to get everything ready a month in advance etc. I did not pack my hospital bag until 39 weeks! Other than extreme morning sickness that lasted the ENTIRE pregnancy I had no complications. On October 16 (Friday) Jake and I went for a walk with the dog and then went to our neighbors house for dinner and cards. Since it was a Friday night and nobody had work in the morning we probably stayed over until nearly 1am playing poker and relaxing. I remember them saying "we could be parents at anytime" and "tomorrow would be a great day to have a baby". Jake and I finally came home and headed to bed. Our direct neighbors who we don't really like left their dog out all night and it kept us up barking so we got no sleep. I also had a bad stomach ache but attributed it to Dominos! I kept telling myself if I could fall asleep between the dog and the cramps then it was nothing!
I did fall back asleep! HOWEVER...I woke up at 7am nearly on the dot Saturday morning (Oct 17) to a huge gush, aka my water breaking. Talk to any 9 month pregnant woman and all they will say is how ready they are! I was no exception, but in that moment all I thought was "I'm not ready, what do I do?!?" Well I called the doctor who said to come to the hospital and based on what I was telling them, it was baby day! I was 39 weeks and 2 days! Jake was not even packed so he threw a bag together, I got cleaned up and off we went! It was a Saturday so there was no traffic and my mom wasn't at work so was easily able to schedule and fly in that day. I remember on the drive to the hospital having some contractions and thinking that it was totally manageable. Haha I didn't know it would get much worse!
We got checked into the hospital, they verified my water had broken, and that I would be having a baby that day! Woo hoo! We were very excited of course. The bad part was my blood pressure...for 39 weeks I had great blood pressure, I always run low which is good! But when I was checked at hospital it was 145/90 which is super high anyway but horrendous for me. They did a blood test to rule out preeclampsia, but nope it came back positive and I had it. I had developed it virtually overnight. The bad part was I would be hooked up and monitored my entire labor...the good part is the cure for preeclampsia is birth and I was well on my way. Second minor hiccup was getting my IV. My usually great veins were being stubborn and it took 4 people and 8 pokes to get it right. I looked like a heroin addict and was crying. After that though all was pretty easy breezy. I was amazingly calm and breathed through my contractions. Around 230p I opted for the epidural. At this point our neighbors from the night before came to the hospital and we played cards while I labored pain free!
Around 6p, Jake and Doug went to get a pizza while his wife Shellie stayed with me. At around 630p the doctor showed up and wanted to check my progress. To our surprise he said I was 10cm and it was time to push. I was shocked as I felt no different and I also felt dumb because I was like, "Uh what do I do now?" Doug and Shellie left with the pizza, the doctor said he'd be back soon, and it was me, Jake and the nurse Tracy. I was happy that I'd have the same nurse for delivery as I'd had all day. I did a couple of pushes and she told me to stop and went to get the doctor. Turns out this was going to be quick and after 20 minutes of pushing we welcomed Dylan Jacob Frese. He was 6.7lbs and 19.5 inches and he was perfect. I mostly remember the day like it was yesterday. I remember Jake cheering me on and his excitement. I remember being fortunate to fall instantly in love with Dylan. I was blessed to have an easy labor and delivery that is for sure. Jake's favorite sports team is the Yankees and they were in the playoffs. The game was on in the background and we have video of Jake saying "The baby is here and the Yankees are winning." It is a great memory and we were just so....us!!
Of course I get tears remembering that day....the day I became MOM....well "mommy". I look at Dylan now almost 2 years old and it seems impossible how they can change. It seems impossible how I have changed. I feel so so lucky I get to experience having a child again, it is so exciting and miraculous. I'm still so nervous even though I have done it before. In some ways more so because I know things can go so differently this time but I pray all goes well. I hope you will keep us in your prayers. Even though I feel like I'll be pregnant forever, I know that I will be back in that delivery room at any moment. Bags are packed. Birth story #2 coming soon!
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