Sunday, September 25, 2011

Leo's Birth Story

I am behind on blogging, but for good reason of course.  I want to write about the birth story, being a mom of 2 kids, all about Leo, siblings, and I'm sure many other topic that come to me on a daily basis.  Today, however, I will write the Birth Story of Leo while it is still fresh in my mind.  I can't believe my littlest love is 2 weeks old already.

September 10, 2011-I rarely got a good nights rest in the later months of pregnancy and that night was no exception.  I went to bed and before long got my usual braxton hicks I would get at bedtime and Leo would always move a lot at night.  But this night it seemed to last forever, like 2.5 hours of braxton hicks about 10 minutes apart.  I was texting my best friend who was awake in AZ and she said maybe it was early labor.  I kept telling myself I'd know when they were real contractions.  If you recall from birth story #1 my water broke at home and so I really never had to time contractions.  I obviously couldn't sleep so I downloaded a contraction  timer on my phone to entertain myself and decided if I fell asleep it obviously meant nothing other than another uncomfortable night.  I fell asleep.

September 11, 2011-Thank goodness Dylan slept in until 930am since I had gotten so little sleep the night before.  I woke up feeling pretty darn tired and just generally icky.  I told Jake about my night and said I thought I'd have a baby by the next day, that my body had to be doing something.  He decided to go grocery shopping with Dylan because I slow things down and he told me to go rest.  Well, cliche as it sounds, I didn't rest!  I cleaned the whole house top to bottom and I moved fast!  Something just got into me and I wanted my house clean NOW.  Shortly after 1pm before Jake and Dylan got home, I got a very noticeable, and painful first real contraction that I was aware of.  I rested for a few minutes to see if anything else would happen and it didn't.  I went downstairs to eat lunch with the family, and yep there it was another contraction.  How could I have ever mistook a braxton hick for a real one?  They are NOT the same.  I called my mom to say something could be happening but not to book her flight just yet.  We finished lunch, Dylan went down for a nap, and I went upstairs to shower.  I think I knew something was coming because I wanted to make sure I had a shower.  I certainly had an uncomfortable shower, but contractions were probably 10-20 minutes apart.  I finally decided to lay down and rest and see what happened.  Jake was convinced they would slow down and this probably wasn't it.  I was very on the fence.  Well about an hour later they were 7-10 minutes apart and I called my mom to tell her I still wasn't sure, but she said she knew this was it and had already booked her ticket for the first flight out the next morning.  I told her I hoped she was right!  I also called my OB office and the doc on call said I could go in or wait until they were 5 minutes apart.  I asked him if he thought at this point if things would slow down...he said probably not, they were more likely go come with a vengeance.  Hmmm ok, we'll see.  At this point it was about 430p and I told Jake since I'd been having contractions for nearly 4 hours I felt I at least needed to be seen at labor and delivery.  So I did what any woman would do in this hair and makeup!  I was kind of killing time to see if contractions would get closer.  They did!  I was doubled over many times doing my makeup and when I got to my hair I started to get a little nervous   They were 4-6 minutes apart and all of a sudden it hit me that we should probably get moving.  All of a sudden bags were being finished packing, Jake was loading the car, Dylan was still sleeping somehow.  I called the sitter to let her know he was coming and I was praying that I wasn't insane and not actually in labor.  By the time we got everything and Dylan in the car I was in a lot of pain and feeling extremely anxious.

At close to 6pm we dropped Dylan off and took what would be our last photo as a family of 3.  I told the sitter I wasn't sure if this was it but we would let her know.  It was extremely emotional for me saying goodbye to Dylan.  I was leaving the child I knew and loved to probably meet a new one.  It was all very confusing and fast and my emotions were all over the map.

The car ride to the hospital was brutal as contractions were 4 minutes apart and strong.  We had to check in at ER because it was a Sunday night and wait for labor and delivery to come get me.  I chose to walk instead of get in a wheelchair.  I wasn't convinced I was in labor until somebody told me so.  Well they took one look at me on the Labor and Delivery floor and got me in a room and into a gown quickly.  It was just before 7pm so it was shift change.  The day nurse quickly took my vitals and said she would check my cervix to see if anything was happening.  This is where I start to get really anxious.  She says I'm at 6cm and calls me a rockstar for laboring at home all day.  It hits me and Jake at this point we are having a baby...probably soon.  She asks if I want the epidural and before I'm even checked in, its on its way.  Why is everything moving so fast??  The new nurse comes in as well as the doctor, who is the same doctor who delivered Dylan.  I'm thrilled.  He checks me and I am 7cm.  I realize I am not quite ready for all this yet, I need a few minutes to clear my head, to emotionally daydream like I did with Dylan, to take in the experience.  It's going too fast.  I get the epidural through horrible contractions and then the doc breaks my water.  Jake and I have maybe 20 minutes alone after all is said and done between the epidural, water breakage, and all the check in questions.

Doc comes back in shorty and is watching some football with Jake, we all talk about our careers a few minutes and then doc looks at my contractions on the monitor and decides to check my progress.  I look at Jake who had just gotten some dinner and I told him before the doc even checked that he better eat fast.  I knew.  Sure enough doc says "lets have a baby".  Within minutes I felt as if the baby was going to fall out, I know that sounds graphic but that is how it felt.  7 minutes and 3 pushes later Leo Oliver Frese was born-at 9:11pm on 9/11/11.  You can't make that up!  He weighed 7.4lbs and was 19.5 inches long.  He was perfect.  I was happy, in love, and in shock.

You see, I had a 12 hour labor in the hospital with Dylan and many epiduraled hours to daydream about his birth, that I was almost a mom, and what it would all feel like.  With Leo, I showed up at the hospital and had a baby.  It took some time for my emotions to catch up with my reality.  I loved him instantly but thought it was all a dream for a moment.  We dropped Dylan off Sunday night around 6pm and three hours later his brother was born.  I had two very different labor and delivery experiences that both ended with healthy beautiful sons.  You don't really ease of your pregnancy concerns until you see your baby, count their fingers and toes, breathe them in.  Right after Leo was born I felt enormously blessed to have had two healthy pregnancies and children, despite my struggle to conceive, my body had not failed me or my boys on their journey to my arms.

Less than 24 hours later we were discharged from the hospital and returned home to start our life as a family of four.  Once I get another stretch of time (right now the boys are napping at the same time in their own rooms) I will write about what life at home has been like.  But for now that is the birth story of little Leo!  It was a pretty cool day if I do say so myself and I think Leo brings light on what was once a day of darkness.  I know he will do amazing things in this world!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Birth Stoy

But not the one you were expecting!  Sorry folks I have not had baby #2 yet, but I'd sure like to!  I thought since I didn't have THAT birth story to tell quite yet I would write Dylan's instead.  It is a great memory for me and I can only hope and pray that things go the same with #2.  Although all that really matters is that Leo is born healthy!  But back to Dylan!

Jumping back in time almost 2 years (wow) and I was due October 22, 2009.  I was always told first timers tend to go late so I didn't feel a sense of urgency to get everything ready a month in advance etc.  I did not pack my hospital bag until 39 weeks!  Other than extreme morning sickness that lasted the ENTIRE pregnancy I had no complications.  On October 16 (Friday) Jake and I went for a walk with the dog and then went to our neighbors house for dinner and cards.  Since it was a Friday night and nobody had work in the morning we probably stayed over until nearly 1am playing poker and relaxing.  I remember them saying "we could be parents at anytime" and "tomorrow would be a great day to have a baby".  Jake and I finally came home and headed to bed.  Our direct neighbors who we don't really like left their dog out all night and it kept us up barking so we got no sleep.  I also had a bad stomach ache but attributed it to Dominos!  I kept telling myself if I could fall asleep between the dog and the cramps then it was nothing!

I did fall back asleep!  HOWEVER...I woke up at 7am nearly on the dot Saturday morning (Oct 17) to a huge gush, aka my water breaking.  Talk to any 9 month pregnant woman and all they will say is how ready they are!  I was no exception, but in that moment all I thought was "I'm not ready, what do I do?!?"  Well I called the doctor who said to come to the hospital and based on what I was telling them, it was baby day!  I was 39 weeks and 2 days!  Jake was not even packed so he threw a bag together, I got cleaned up and off we went!  It was a Saturday so there was no traffic and my mom wasn't at work so was easily able to schedule and fly in that day.  I remember on the drive to the hospital having some contractions and thinking that it was totally manageable.  Haha I didn't know it would get much worse!

We got checked into the hospital, they verified my water had broken, and that I would be having a baby that day!  Woo hoo!  We were very excited of course.  The bad part was my blood pressure...for 39 weeks I had great blood pressure, I always run low which is good!  But when I was checked at hospital it was 145/90 which is super high anyway but horrendous for me.  They did a blood test to rule out preeclampsia, but nope it came back positive and I had it.  I had developed it virtually overnight.  The bad part was I would be hooked up and monitored my entire labor...the good part is the cure for preeclampsia is birth and I was well on my way.  Second minor hiccup was getting my IV.  My usually great veins were being stubborn and it took 4 people and 8 pokes to get it right.  I looked like a heroin  addict and was crying.  After that though all was pretty easy breezy.  I was amazingly calm and breathed through my contractions.  Around 230p I opted for the epidural.  At this point our neighbors from the night before came to the hospital and we played cards while I labored pain free!

Around 6p, Jake and Doug went to get a pizza while his wife Shellie stayed with me.  At around 630p the doctor showed up and wanted to check my progress.  To our surprise he said I was 10cm and it was time to push.  I was shocked as I felt no different and I also felt dumb because I was like, "Uh what do I do now?" Doug and Shellie left with the pizza, the doctor said he'd be back soon, and it was me, Jake and the nurse Tracy.  I was happy that I'd have the same nurse for delivery as I'd had all day.  I did a couple of pushes and she told me to stop and went to get the doctor.  Turns out this was going to be quick and after 20 minutes of pushing we welcomed Dylan Jacob Frese.  He was 6.7lbs and 19.5 inches and he was perfect.  I mostly remember the day like it was yesterday.  I remember Jake cheering me on and his excitement.  I remember being fortunate to fall instantly in love with Dylan.  I was blessed to have an easy labor and delivery that is for sure.  Jake's favorite sports team is the Yankees and they were in the playoffs.  The game was on in the background and we have video of Jake saying "The baby is here and the Yankees are winning."  It is a great memory and we were just!!

Of course I get tears remembering that day....the day I became MOM....well "mommy".  I look at Dylan now almost 2 years old and it seems impossible how they can change.  It seems impossible how I have changed.  I feel so so lucky I get to experience having a child again, it is so exciting and miraculous.  I'm still so nervous even though I have done it before.  In some ways more so because I know things can go so differently this time but I pray all goes well.  I hope you will keep us in your prayers.  Even though I feel like I'll be pregnant forever, I know that I will be back in that delivery room at any moment.  Bags are packed.  Birth story #2 coming soon!